2024年 体質改善&自己実現セミナーステイ@TAOリトリート




Self-Realization and Health Improvement Seminar Stay




This seminar is designed to awaken our natural healing power in the nature of Aso, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. By confronting yourself in a quiet environment, you will discover and remove the stereotypes that have been holding you back. Through our healthy meals  and a variety of workshop to enhance your natural healing power, your mind and body will be reborn!





Meal: Macrobiotic based healing diet


    (Please let us know if you wish to do the fasting)


●日程: ●金曜〜日曜の2泊3日あるいは1泊2日







Dates: ●Friday-Sunday, 3 days and 2 nights or 2 days and 1 night

    ●Saturday - Monday: 3 days/2 nights or 2 days/1 night

    ●Sunday - Tuesday: 3 days/2 nights or 2 days/1 night


 *Offered anytime on the above days (only Tuesday night is not available for overnight stay).


  Please contact us for your desired dates.


●時間:初日受付=13半時 最終日解散=12時

 Time: First day registration = 1:30 p.m. Last day dismissal = 12:00 p.m.


●場所:TAOリトリートセンターまたはスタディハウスTAO flow





 ◯スタディハウスTAO flow




     ◯TAO Retreat Center 

     107-1 Ichinomiya Oginokusa, Aso City, Kumamoto Prefecture



 ◯Study house TAO flow 

 2213 manganji,minami-oguni-machi,Aso gun,Kumamoto



●費用:2泊3日 48,000円(税別)

    1泊2日  28000円    (税別)  



Cost: 3 days/2 nights 48,000 yen (tax not included)

    2 days and 1 night 28,000 yen (tax not included)  

     *Includes lodging, meals, hot spring baths, and training fees listed above.


  Consumption tax will be added to the above amount.




 If you wish to extend your stay, please contact us by e-mail.




 Transportation: Pick up and drop off at Kurokawa Onsen bus stop ↔︎ to the retreat (reservation required)


※TAOリトリートへのアクセスの詳細は こちら をごらんください。

or details on access to TAO Retreat, please click here.








○ 気血の循環を良くするボディワーク・運動・瞑想・手当法

○ 原始力充電ツアー(水源/原生林/パワースポットガイドなど)

○ 阿蘇の天然温泉でリラックス


○ TAOオリジナル心理メソッドによる心ほぐしのワークショップ

○ オプションでハーブサウナデトックス・個人セッション


お申し込み&お問い合わせは taojuku@me.com


Program Contents


◯Body and mind health lecture based on oriental medicine (classroom lecture)

Personal counseling (health counseling, life counseling, career counseling, etc.)

Healing diet based on macrobiotics

Please let us know if you would like to join the fasting program.

○ Bodywork, exercise, meditation, and allowance methods to improve circulation of qi and blood

○ Tour to recharge your primal power (water source/primordial forest/power spot guide, etc.)

○ Relaxation in natural hot springs in Aso

Please let us know if you would like to take a cold spring bath  (only from July to September).

TAO's original psychological method for relaxation workshop

Optionally, herbal sauna detox and private session


For application & inquiry, please contact 

Click here

<体質改善ステイ オプションサービス(費用別途)>       

●ハーブサウナ・デトックス Herb sauna detox











Price:  60分 ¥3500(税別)  


●波多野毅による個人セッション Private session









大和言葉の「はなす」は、「話す」だけで なく「離す」や「放す」の意味合いを持っています。

「思い」を内にためて「重い」状態になって いる方の、「思い」を「はなす」ことで、心と 体の「コリ」をほぐし、すっと軽くなる1対1のパーソナルカウンセリング&施術です。













          90分 10,000円 (税別)


          90分  10,000円 税別) 


          40分 4000円 税別) 

*氣活法は初回のみ約120分  16,000円税別)




The Japanese word "hanasu" means not only "to speak" but also "to let go" or "to release.

This is a one-on-one personal counseling and treatment service for those who are in a "heavy" state of mind and body by "letting go" of "thoughts" that have been stored up inside.


Those who feel that they are not good enough.

Those who want to achieve their own desires.

Those who feel stressed and unwell in mind and body.

People who are struggling with their relationships.

Those who are unsure of their future direction.

Those who are struggling with their relationship with their parents or with child rearing.

Those who want to know what diet and regimen is best for them.


Those who want to improve lifestyle-related diseases through natural remedies.



 Â Individual session (health and life counseling)

          90 minutes 10,000 yen (tax not included)

 Â Counseling to remove mental blocks 

          90 minutes 10,000 yen (tax not included) 

 Â Kiatsu (TAO's original method to activate "Ki" in the body and mind)

          40 minutes, 4,000 yen (tax not included) 

Kiatsu-ho is 120 minutes long for the first time only. 16,000 yen (tax not included)

Please feel free to contact us if you have any special circumstances, and we will work out a reasonable fee.

Consumption tax will be added to the above amounts.